The Award I Don’t Deserve


I have been nominated for “The Very Inspiring Blogger Awards.”  And, the truth is, I don’t really know WHY. I have never thought of myself as “inspiring” or anything even close to inspiring. Most of the time, I am not sure what people see in me. I just say what I think, feel how I feel, and make no excuses for who and what I am. I am me. That’s all I can be. I don’t know how to be anything else. I don’t think that’s very inspiring. I think that’s just human. But INSPIRING? I don’t even know what to do with that! I am, however, humbled at the thought that someone thinks I am or could inspire people. Can you imagine?! ME?! Wow, y’all. Thank you. Seriously. Thank you from the bottom of my little black heart, Sassy Lassie, for the nomination. I don’t even know what to say other than thank you. ❤

Why did you start your blog?

To get things off my chest. To say the things I can’t or won’t say out loud. To heal. To grow. To learn. To move on. To let go. To remember. To live. To write. To feel. To be free. To share. To not be alone. To show others that they are not alone.

What book has touched you the most?

The one with words in it. I love to read. I will read anything. Even the shampoo bottle because I’m pooping and there’s nothing else within reach. And what the fuck is cocamidopropyl betaine and why is it in my shampoo, anyway?

If you could eat dinner with a famous person, still living, who would it be?

I have no idea. But if I could have dinner with anyone at all, it would be my Pops. He was my father’s father. He suffered through brain cancer, brain surgery, then later, the tumor returned, larger and inoperable, and we lost him. I loved him dearly. He held, and still holds a pedestal in my heart that no one could rise above. Ever.

What is the one place you have visited that gives you complete calmness?

Home. Longwood, Florida. Nany and Pops house. This will always be home for me. Nany will always be home for me. Pops was always home for me. Home is where I am the calmest.

Are you a “Bucket List” person? If yes, name something on your list.

No. No list. I haven’t thought that far ahead.

What is the goal for your blog?

See the first question. The goal for my blog and the reasons for starting it are one and the same.

What is a day well-spent for you?

A day that my kids are happy, well fed, healthy. That is a good day.

How do you start your day?

Coffee. Lots and lots of coffee. well, first I pee. Then lots of coffee.

What is your favorite holiday and why?

Halloween, hands down. I love the dressing up, the pretending, the fun. I love that I get to share it with my kids and my friends. I love seeing all the families doing things together as families.

What is your favorite quote?


So. There it is. My award nomination acceptance. Thank you for the nomination, Sassy, my friend.
